Harding Park improvement project
Harding’s current recreational park located at the end of Coolidge Avenue, consisting of playground equipment and a tennis court, has fallen into a state of disrepair and is slated to be demolished, at an unknown future date, for being unsafe. The Exeter Township Board of Supervisors and the Harding Recreation Committee will be working together to secure grant funding for municipal recreation projects, such as improvements to the Harding Park. This was first announced at the Supervisors meeting on December 5, 2022 and a resolution outlining the agreement between the two entities was passed on June 6, 2023. The resolution satisfied all the requests of the Harding Recreation Committee before it committed to the endeavor. At the May 2023 meeting of the rec committee, the name given to the project was: Harding Rec Park Project.
The Harding Recreation Committee is committed to contributing to the residents a park with equipment for all abilities, a walking/running trail, as well as other improvements. As more information becomes available it will be posted on this website.